Writing a solo show was truly the most awesome creative project that I have ever done. It stands as one of the top landmark experiences of my life. I could tell you about the thrill and power of creating a large scale story that contained all of my songs. I could talk about making a much more entertaining production for my audience. I could talk about how it set me apart, and connected me with a whole new group of creatives.
But what I really want to share with you today is the golden nugget – the aspect of writing a solo show that really blew me away – the above all else take away from the experience.
Game changer: Personal storytelling in the form of a Hero’s Journey.
In writing a solo show I had the opportunity to step back and see my life as a story and see myself as the Hero in the story of my life. I was able to piece together threads from my life, expose the hurts, and process the struggles. I was able to work through thresholds, cherish the treasures and find the wisdom in it all. This is a rare opportunity that writing a song does not give you.
I really need you to get this!
Personal storytelling in the form of a Hero’s Journey is life changing!
Writing and speaking my story out into the world literally changed the ions in my body, the ions in my relationships and the direction of my life. I experienced the release and healing of old stories, and the empowerment of creating new stories. I experienced myself as the Hero in my life, consciously creating my story, my life. I uncovered deep truths and wisdom and shared them with my audience. I experienced the power of vulnerability. I found my marriage, my music, my joy, my health again.
I literally became a wizard, healing my wounds, and setting in motion the script to the rest of my life.
So the Golden nugget: We can heal our lives.
We can create our fullest most meaningful lives. We have the power within. We can perform miracles when we unblock ourselves from the hurts, the anger, the guilt, the shame and when we consciously create from love and forgiveness. As creatives we can do this with our creativity, our music and our personal storytelling.
When we heal ourselves we are not healed alone. We bring others along with us.
Artists can be far more than entertainers! As creatives you are he healers of the world. This is your gift. This is your legacy.
If you want to be blown away by your power to transform your life – maybe it’s time for you to write your solo show!
I don’t want to write a solo show (yet)….but I wanted to let you know you truly have a gift with words. Your writing is inspiring. Thank you for sharing. I hope the coaching goes well for you. Hope to see you soon.