You may have a good idea for a story and you may have all the enthusiasm, discipline and heart in the world. So do you really need a coach to create a great Solo Show? Here are some reasons why a good coach will help you.
Develops Your Story
Let’s face it. A good show starts with a good story. Yet how many times do we see movie after movie, book after book, show after show fail because they forgot one important thing. It all starts with a good story. Even 10 award winning actors can’t save a movie with a crappy storyline.
A good story coach will help you flush out the most poignant, most theatrical stories from your life to create a theme for your show with a transformational arc. Most shows aren’t about your whole life, but rather one particular theme, event, or time period in your life. To create something stageworthy you must be willing to separate your personal life from your theatrical show life. You may not be a high drama person – yet you will need some high drama points and events to bring your show to stage.
That is why a coach’s perspective is so invaluable. It is very easy to lose perspective on your own life story. It is too close to you. You need a third, objective party who can sort through material with less attachment, choosing materials that support your overall story arch and discarding the rest.
Develops Theatrical Elements
This is theater folks. This is not the Moth. So you need to have at least one very strong theatrical element to compliment your great story. Actors use their skills to bring characters to life. Singer/Songwriters bring live music to the table. Even with one strong suit you will need to bring more theatrical elements into your show. I was a Singer/Songwriter that brought music to the table. But this alone was not enough. With a coach I learned how to develop characters, and add simple lighting, sets and props to add more theatre to my story. I also added pre recorded original music to many of my monologues which brought them to life.
Having a coach is critical to developing your theatrical elements, especially with ones that are new to you. Do you have at least one very strong theatrical element from the list below. What would you consider your secondary element?
Theatrical Elements:
Actor that can bring characters to life
Comedian – laughter
Live Music
Multi media – video
Gives Support
Having a good coach is not just about receiving good technical advice. It is equally about receiving emotional support. You will undoubtedly hit roadblocks and threshold points that are hard to push through. You will greet fear, overwhelm and stagnant points. A coach is your built in life vest. She will pull you through when you are ready to give up. She will fill you with strength when you are feeling weak. She will be the steady force behind you, the wind beneath your wings.
Is a Good Listener
Deep listening from a coach will bring forth your deepest most meaningful story. Do not settle for an expert with a big ego that has his/her own agenda. After all this is your story. Find someone you’re comfortable with and can trust.
Provides Structure
A good coach will keep you on track and accountable to your commitment. Dilution of energy and enthusiasm happens when projects are strewn along indefinitely. A good coach will create a reasonable container of a year for your project and hold you to a consistent work effort.
Is Defined by Their Commitment to Your Completion
This is a long term project. It usually takes 6 months to a year to write a Solo Show. Find someone who deeply commits to you and the process; someone who will not peter out in a few weeks. A good coach settles for nothing short of completion.
Bottom Line
Coaching support is the difference between fulfilling your dreams and having it sit on the shelf for the rest of your life.