MEMOIRS ARE THE BEST SELF DEVELOPMENT SOURCE. When you read a Memoir, you learn lessons through story; you learn about others; you learn about yourself. Here are 6 more compelling reasons to listen to my Musical Memoir!
REASON #1: THE FASCINATION AND RELIEF OF STORY Lose yourself in my world and travel on a journey with a character that faces many of the same challenges in life that you do.
REASON #2: INSPIRATION BASED ON LIFE EXPERIENCE. In my musical memoir, you hear a real life experience about challenges I faced and about finding resolution through personal growth.
REASON #3: INSIGHT’S INTO OTHER’S LIVES. We need to understand each other. Through my memoir you can penetrate the veil of “The Other.”
REASON #4: TO SHARE THEIR STORY, THE AUTHOR NEEDS TO OVERCOME SHAME AND PRIVACY. Challenges can evoke shame which tries to convince us to hide and never reveal. My memoir blasts through shame through the other side of healing.
REASON #5: LEARN ABOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF IDENTITY When youaccompany “The Other” from childhood to adulthood – you learn about the journey of becoming ourselves.
REASON #6: LEARN ABOUT PEOPLE’S ATTEMPT TO RELATE TO EACH OTHER. In my musical memoir, I share about the emotional complexities of love, babies, sex, families, relationships.