Hey Singer/Songwriters and Other Creatives!
Have you been thinking about your next creative project? What will it be? Will you need support to complete it? Has something been brewing in the back of your mind? Are you mulling over all the coaching and class options there are available, trying to decide which is best for you or whether you need help at all? It’s hard enough committing to your next project, let alone choosing the appropriate assistance.
We live in a really abundant time. There is so much out there….so many offerings….so many choices. And with the internet everything is so accessible now. In fact sometimes there are too many choices and it can be downright overwhelming. It makes our head spin and paralyzes us.
So I thought I’d give you two important steps to help you move forward with your creations AND sort through all the options in choosing an appropriate coach or course if you feel you need some support.
Sidebar: I’m a big believer in support!
Watch Video Blog Below or Keep Reading
Number One. The first thing you should do is NAME your specific creative project.
Don’t get hung up on trying to make the perfect choice if you have a few in mind. Just decide on one. You can only do one at a time anyway.
It is very important to be specific. Don’t just say I want to be more creative. Choose a project. Being project oriented is very important. There are coaches out there that will “coach” you in a general sort of way. But over the years I’ve realized that you get a lot more out of coaching for a specific project. Here’s the critical difference. With generalized coaching you may talk about fears, obstacles, strengths. But when you are coached through a specific project you are actually walking through your fears, obstacles and strengths as you create! You are out of your mind and into the action which is invaluable for growth and experience.
So don’t take a class or sign up for a program that doesn’t revolve around the completion of a specific project. These are just delay tactics and keep you from your creations. No more “preparing” yourself. No more adding to yourself before you get to your creative project. No more waiting. No more excuses. It’s time to dive in.
Once you have identified your creative project – then you are more effectively able to identify what kind of coaching you need. Writing a memoire may take a different kind of coach than writing a stand up comedy routine. Once you are clear on your creative project you are ready for step number two.
Number Two: Match the depth of your project with the same depth of support.
The greater the project the more support you will need.
Sidebar: It’s very important to get clear on the word “support.” A coach is not a crutch who is there to do “your” work for you. You must engage in your project with clear commitment and leadership. A coach should have some experience or expertise in the field and is there to provide feedback and support to keep you going until your project is complete. What good is good coaching unless you actually finish your project!
There are four factors with widely varying depths of support you will want to consider.
- The “Liveness” Factor. Is there a human involved? This scale goes anywhere from online classes that have no human interaction at all – to online goups that have a “live” factor – to a real live person that you can touch, see and sometimes even smell.
- The “Size” Factor. This scale measures class size and can go from large – to small – to one on one coaching.
- The “Length” Factor. This measures how long the support will last. Is it a blitz class? This is a popular marketing technique with creative projects as much as it is with weight loss programs! I tried a creative blitz class out recently. I didn’t get anywhere near to finishing the project and lost interest because there was no human interaction or support.
- The “Completion” Factor. What’s the coach’s commitment to your completion? What happens when the course is over and you haven’t finished. Will it all be for naught? Will you hit a snag and send your work to the land of stagnation and unmanifestation?
You need to be honest with yourself about how large your project is…..because oftentimes the world won’t be honest with you. There are many coaches and classes that promise the world. “Write your Solo Show in a Week”….(Please!)
Don’t be shortsighted and think only about what something costs. Inexpensive classes are usually inexpensive for a reason. It’s all about value. And it’s all about matching the depth of your project to the depth of coaching. Shortcuts don’t work. Find support and start manifesting your creative works. They are the deepest part of who you are.
You seek but for your own completion.
Accept and seek your creations.
(The Course in Miracles)
Hi Linda
Jusr watched your video.
Excellent launchpad!